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Advice on Style for Contributors to the
Sportscience Website
WG Hopkins
Affiliations: Will
Hopkins PhD (lecturer), Department of Physiology and School of
Physical Education, University of Otago, Dunedin 9001, New
Contributors to the Sportscience website should follow the
recommendations of this editorial, which provides advice on style
under the following headings:
In this editorial I detail stylistic guidelines for all material
published at the Sportscience website. If you intend to contribute
material, you should read and follow the recommendations in this
editorial. You should also use the appropriate template downloaded
from the Sportscience site. Some of the material in the templates is
duplicated here.
In general, the guidelines are consistent with the recommendations
in the publication manual of the American Psychological Association
(1994; also available on the Web in an
adaptation by Dewey, 1996). I indicate
departures from APA style in brackets, thus: [APA
- Insert a comma wherever there would be a slight pause between
words or phrases in the spoken sentence.
- Two related sentences can sometimes be separted by a
semicolon; if in doubt, use a period.
- Use a colon to introduce an explanation or an example of
something: you are reading an example right now. If there are
several simple explanations or examples, separate them with
commas; otherwise, use semicolons.
- Avoid excessive use of parentheses ( ). Use them to make an
aside (an extra remark) only if commas or dashes could be
confusing. (Don't use parentheses within parentheses (as in this
example). Find another way of saying it.)
- Use brackets [ ] for material inserted into a quotation and
ellipsis (three dots) for material omitted: According to Smith
(1999), "few such [descriptive] studies were done
- Use dashes--two hyphens with no spaces anywhere--for emphatic
- Use one space after a period, colon, or semicolon. Web
browsers do not show more than one space.
- Use double quotation marks (") for speech and verbatim
- Show a quotation consisting of several sentences as an
indented block of text without quotation marks. Example:
Krogh's contribution to exercise science has also been recognized:
August Krogh's research linked exercise physiology with
nutrition and metabolism... He influenced the next generation
of scientists in exercise physiology, particularly those in
Nordic countries and the United States. They in turn taught
others to investigate human nutrition during acute and chronic
physical activity. (Katch, 1997)
- Use double quotation marks the first time you introduce a
newly-coined or slang term; do not use quotation marks thereafter.
- Don't use "smart quotes" (66 and 99), because they can create
problems when translated into Web documents.
- Use single quotation marks (') for quotes within quotes.
- Use the apostrophe (') to denote possession:
an athlete's responses, two athletes' responses.
But note that its = of it, whereas it's = it is.
- Put commas, semicolons, colons, and periods outside closing
quotation marks: "this", for example, but not "this," or "this."
Exception: "If the quotation ends in a complete sentence, the
period is part of the quote and should therefore go inside the
quotation marks, like this." [APA: all punctuation goes within the
quotation marks.]
- Use of and/or instead of or is acceptable when
you want to emphasize either or both.
- The forward slash (/) can be used instead of or in
sentences that are already replete with ands or ors.
- Use Title Case (initial upper-case letters for words of four
or more letters) in:
- the title and subheadings;
- titles of journals;
- titles of books or articles in the text, but not in the
reference list;
- proper nouns, including trade names (Wilks's lambda,
Aspro, the Web and a Web site, but not in a
- names of tests (the Stroop Color-Word Test);
- nouns followed by numbers (on Day 2, in
Group B) but not in the control group;
- names of institutional departments (Department of Sport
Science, University of Wherever), but not of disciplines
(a department of sport science);
- references to sections of the article (in the Methods
section; see Results; in Figure 1; in Table 2; see
Appendix 3; in Chapter 4).
- Use your spelling checker to decide whether to include a
hyphen with a prefix. If the word is not recognized without a
hyphen, put one in. Examples: non-athlete, ultra-marathon,
pre-treatment. [APA: use a hyphen only with self-.]
- Here is the paradigm example of hyphenation of adjectives or
nouns: a clear-cut case. (If you wrote a clear cut
case, you would imply a cut case that was clear. The emphasis
in pronunciation also provides a clue.) More examples:
role-playing technique, two-way analysis of variance,
high-anxiety group. Hyphenation is not necessary if the first
word is an adverb or comparative adjective (according to APA,
anyway): widely used text, randomly assigned subjects, higher
anxiety group.
- Note also:
t-test results, but results of t tests;
student-centered teaching, but the teaching was student
- Note also: long- and short-term memory; 2-, 5-, and 10-min
- Use italics for emphasis and bold for strong
emphasis. Avoid italic bold, which does not always
show up as bold in some browsers. [APA does not use bold.]
- Use italics in expressions such as the term whatever,
and for listing descriptors of a scale. For example, items on
the 5-point scale ranged from not at all to always.
- Put the title of a paper, book, or journal in italics in the
body of the text. In the reference list, titles of papers are in
normal case. [APA uses quote marks for titles of papers in the
- Put headings in BOLD UPPER
- Put subheadings in Bold Title
Case. [APA: italic.]
- Do not use italics for foreign words and abbreviations common
in English, such as ad lib, per se, et al., via, ad hoc, post hoc,
a priori, a posteriori.
- Keep the fonts shown in the template of the article you are
writing: Times New Roman for the body of the text, and Arial/Helvetica for the headings and
- All the symbols that can be produced by use of a normal
keyboard with or without the shift key are permitted.
- You may use Insert/Symbol from the menu bar of Microsoft
programs, but you must choose the normal text font in that
window, not Symbol, because most of the characters
available in the Symbol font in Insert/Symbol do not transfer to
the Web. This method gives you access to the following symbols:
° ±
· - -
¢ £ ¤ ¥ ¦ § © « ¬
® ¯ ² ³ µ ¶ ¹ » ¼
½ ¾ À Á Â Ã Ä Å
Æ Ç È É Ê Ë Ì '
Ö × Ø Ù Ú Û Ü Ý
Þ ß à á â ã ä å
æ ç è é ê ë ì '
î ï ð ñ ò ó ô õ
ö ÷ ø ù ú û ü ý
þ ÿ. You can also use the following from the Special
Characters sub-window of the Insert/Symbol window: © ®
and non-breaking space.
- Surprisingly, you may also change the font to Symbol in the
body of your text, then strike the appropriate key. People viewing
the document on the Web will see the symbol you intended, if they
are using Netscape 3 or similar browser supporting variable font
faces. This method produces the Greek alphabet and a few other
symbols: a b C c D d e F f G g h I i J j K k L
l m n P p Q q r S s t u V v W w X x Y y z " ' =AT= $ ^
- You may copy and paste any of the above symbols into your
- Make a non-breaking space in Word documents with
option-spacebar on a Mac, and with control-shift-spacebar on a PC.
- Macintosh users can also produce the following limited set of
symbols by use of shift, option and command keys: °, ±,
, ·, and the usual accent marks and international
characters. Do not attempt to produce any other symbols using
shift, command or option keys, because the symbols do not transfer
to Web documents via Microsoft Word. Use Symbol font or the
Insert/Symbol (normal text) when you need other symbols.
- An abbreviation is justified only if the full expression is
excessively long or if the abbreviation is well known to most
researchers in the discipline. Even so, an easily understood short
form of the expression that avoids initial capitals is preferable.
- If you must use an abbreviation, define it in parentheses the
first time you use it: for example, body mass index (BMI), maximum
oxygen uptake (VO2max), the
fatigue dimension of the Profile of Mood States (POMS-fatigue).
- Use the following well-known Latin abbreviations only within
parentheses: that is (i.e.), for example (e.g.), and so on (etc.).
Do not use the abbreviations for namely (viz.) or compare (cf.),
which few people understand. [APA allows these two abbreviations.]
- Use vs (versus) and et al. (and others) inside or outside
parentheses without defining them.
- Use Note: instead of N.B. (note well).
- Use abbreviations without explanation for the following terms
in the Summary, but define them in the Methods: standard deviation
(SD), coefficient of variation (CV), 95% confidence interval
- Note the lack of periods in acronyms and the lack of
apostrophes in their plurals: ACSM, APA, IQ, IQs.
- Use no periods or spaces in abbreviations of countries: US,
UK, NZ. [APA has periods and spaces.]
- Use a period only if the last letter of the abbreviation is
not the last letter of the word: Prof., Dr, Mr, Ms, Vol. 1, p. 3,
p. 23-25, 2nd ed., et al., vs, etc. [Minor departures from APA
style here.]
- Use the following Systeme Internationale (SI) abbreviations
for units of measurement (Young, 1987) [APA uses some of these
meter m
millisecond ms
gram g
second s
kilogram kg
minute min
mole mol
hour h
liter L (not l)
day d
milliliter ml
week wk
degree °C
year y
- Never add an "s" to the above abbreviations.
- Use the style ml.min-1.kg-1,
not ml/min/kg.
- Use heading, subheading, font, and paragraph styles shown in
the template for the article you are writing. If sub-sub-headings
are unavoidable, use Plain Title Case in
Arial or Helvetica. [APA has a confusing hierarchy of formats.]
- In the templates for Journal articles, paragraphs begin by
default with an indented first line, and there are no spaces
between paragraphs. The converted web document does not have such
indenting, and a blank line separates paragraphs.
- For articles on pages other than the Journal, you can (if you
wish) produce indented first lines by starting the line with five
non-breaking spaces ( ).
- Use this convention for an itemized list within a paragraph:
(a) first item, (b) second item, and (c) the final item. If one or
more items contains a comma, use this convention: (a) separate the
items with semicolons, as shown in this example; (b) second item,
etc.; and (c) the final item. Include the letters only if you
refer subsequently to one or more of the items: for example, item
- Use bullets to list points that are complete sentences, as
shown throughout this document. [APA does not use bullets.]
Exception: use numbered points if you want to refer to one or more
of the points by number. For example:
- Use the List Bullet or List Number styles in the template
document to create lists of items that could stand alone as
- Use List Bullet 2 or List Number 2 styles for lists that
could belong to a single paragraph. These styles produce an
indented list.
- Do not try to include two or more paragraphs under one
bullet or number.
- Somewhere in the article you would have to refer to one or
more of these numbered points, for example points 1 and 2,
above. Otherwise you would list them with bullets.
- Use tilde (~) to mean approximately equal to.
- Numbers beginning a sentence must be spelled. Don't start a
sentence with numbers greater than ninety nine.
- Note: one, two, three
nine, 10, 11, 12
a 2-m tape measure; 3 million.
- Put a space between numbers and units: for example, 75 kg.
Exception: 75%.
- Note: 0.32, not .32.
- Note: 143, 2,461, 21,278, 1,409,000
- When you quote numbers, make sure you use the minimum number
of significant digits or decimal places. For example, 23 ± 7
years is easier to read than 23.4 ± 6.6 years, and the loss
of accuracy is not important in most situations.
- Use the appropriate number of significant figures: one for p;
one or two for standard deviations (SDs); two for t, F, c2, correlations,
percentages. Examples: p = 0.004; p < 0.01; F = 63;
r = 0.45; 16%
- Make sure the significant digits of the mean and standard
deviation are consistent. Examples: 20 ± 13;
0.020 ± 0.013; 156 ± 7;
1.56 ± 0.07; 15600 ± 700.
- Use the standard deviation as a measure of spread. Do not use
the standard error of the mean.
- Show 95% confidence intervals on outcome statistics. A
separate editorial on this and other statistical issues will be
available soon.
- Examples are shown in Tables 1-3. Use these tables for Journal
articles. Insert or delete rows or merge cells as necessary.
Table 1: A simple generic
table for articles at the Sportscience
any footnotes here. Note that the caption and footnotes are
in cells of the table.
2Number footnotes as shown.
Table 2: A complex
any footnotes here. Note that the caption and footnotes are
in cells of the table.
2Number footnotes as shown.
Table 3: A complex table
spanning two columns1.
any footnotes here. Note that the caption and footnotes are
in cells of the table.
2Number footnotes as shown.
- Copy and paste the whole table if you need more than one. Do
not try to create a table from scratch for Journal articles.
- Do not use scanned images of graphs or diagrams, because the
lines and symbols become too "pixelly". Draw the figures directly
in a computer, using preferably Microsoft Graph or the drawing
window of Microsoft Word.
- Whenever possible, figures should be exactly one column wide
(8.3 cm). Do not make figures any wider than 1.5 columns (12.5
cm), because they need to be viewable in a Web-browser window
without the reader having to scroll sideways.
- Place the title and any footnotes for the figure within the
figure itself, not in the body of the text. Use Arial or Helvetica
fonts, and make sure the font sizes are similar to that of the
body of the text (12-pt Times New Roman) when the figure appears
at its final magnification on the page.
- Examples are shown in Figures 1 and 2. If possible, use these
figures as templates by editing them in Microsoft Word and
replacing the text and graphic elements.
- Place each figure or table immediately after the paragraph
that first refers to it. The editorial staff at Sportscience will
reposition it to achieve the best appearance in any reprint
- Note these rules for choice of figure format:
- line diagrams or scattergrams if independent and dependent
variables are numeric
- bar graphs if only the dependent variables is numeric
- bar graphs or pie charts for proportions.
- Connect the points in a line diagram with line segments. Show
curves only if you are modeling a curve to the data.
- Change the color and shape of symbols for different groups of
- Show scattergrams only for a good reason (e.g. to call
attention to outliers, a nonzero intercept, heteroscedasticity, or
a nonlinear trend); otherwise state the correlation coefficient
without a figure.
- Hierarchical diagrams summarizing the relationships between
concepts or variables can be confusing. Make them as simple as
- Use a US-English spelling checker.
- Make sure you use words according to the precise meaning
understood by the average person.
- Ideally, you would check whether every word could be deleted
or replaced by a better one.
- Aim for economy: because instead of
based on
the fact that; for or to instead of
for the purpose of. Similarly:
there were several subjects
who completed
; it is suggested
that a relationship may exist
both alike; one and the same;
a total of n subjects; four
different groups; absolutely
essential; found previously; small
in size; in close proximity;
very close to zero; much better;
period of time; summarize
briefly; the reason is because;
also included; in order to;
except for.
- Aim for precision: patient or gymnast instead of
subject; concentration or frequency instead of
- Don't generalize unnecessarily. For example, don't say
some if you know of only one instance.
- Don't use this on its own. Make it this test or
this problem or whatever to remove ambiguity.
- Avoid hype (hyperbole). Words like very and
extremely are usually unnecessary.
- Affect or effect? Temperature affected the
outcome. There was an effect on outcome. Try this to help you
remember which is which: Affluence affects attitudes. The
effects of effluent are everywhere. Note also: the new
regime effected (i.e. produced) substantial changes.
Affect can also mean emotion.
- Note these singular and plural forms: criterion, criteria;
datum, data; medium, media; phenomenon, phenomena.
- Don't use however or its synonyms twice in a paragraph,
because changing the direction of an argument twice in one
paragraph may annoy readers.
- Don't use however more than once every 10 paragraphs.
Try a thesaurus for synonyms.
- Keep jargon (technical terms) to a minimum. Explain any that
you have to use.
- Don't attribute human abilities to non-human sources. For
example, use the authors concluded that
rather than
the study concluded that
- Avoid colloquialisms, such as
steer clear
- Avoid the old-fashioned genteel
- The following APA rules, in my view, are old fashioned and
need not be adhered to strictly:
- Use while and since to refer to time. Do not
use them when the meaning is whereas, although, or
- Don't start sentences with because, since, or
- Avoid
as such. Poor: The
SCAT is a reliable test of state anxiety. As such, it is suitable
for experimental studies. Better: The SCAT is a
reliable test of state anxiety; it is therefore suitable for
experimental studies.
- Avoid
her, his
and any other sexist language, even if the subjects are clearly of
one gender.
- Most text is in the form of sentences. A sentence must have at
least one noun and one verb.
- Use the first person (I or we tested six runners)
rather than the passive voice (
Six runners were
tested). Similarly, say Smith reported instead
of reported by Smith.
- With comparatives (more than, less than), the
than may need to be than that of or than with
or than by etc. to clarify the meaning. Similarly,
similar to may need to be similar to that of.
Examples: The measure was more valid than that of Smith et al.
(1994). We experienced fewer problems with the revised instrument
than with the published version. The method was similar to that of
an earlier study.
- Don't use a long string of qualifiers in front of a noun: a
modified test of cognitive function is better than
a modified cognitive-function test.
- Avoid grammatically questionable formal clichés, such
Based on these results, it is concluded
that and The results showed
- Use the past tense to report results (yours or others'). Use
the present tense to discuss them. We have found that
Smith (1989) reported a similar result. A simple explanation of
these findings is that
- Avoid so-called misplaced modifiers:
sedentary, protein supplementation resulted in
Athletes were
consulted when designing the
necessary, subjects were tested
Using stable tracers, it is
possible to measure
Based on these results, we
Given the importance of body mass,
there has been little study of its effects
that a noun was verbed to verb something (e.g. an
experiment was performed to test this hypothesis) is incorrect
but is used so widely that it has to be accepted. A noun was
verbed (by) verbing
is also acceptable.
- Put only, partly and mainly next to the
word they modify: The test consists only of new items.
- Note: partly vs wholly; partially vs
completely. In the same vein, continual = repeated,
whereas continuous = without a break.
- The following rules are broken so frequently that I doubt
whether they can be considered rules any more.
- Which or that? Simple rule: Which
always follows a comma (and a pause), but that never
does. This study, which cost $10,000, was a success. The
study that cost $10,000 was a success.
- Owing to or due to? Does anyone care any
more? Here's a simple rule if you do: Owing to always
has a comma, due to never does. The data were lost,
owing to computer malfunction. The loss of data was due to
computer malfunction.
- An adverb is placed usually after the verb. Placing it
before the verb produces a split infinitive. For
example, to boldly go
is acceptable if you are
emphasizing go, but if the emphasis is on boldly, to
go boldly is better.
- Focus your thoughts by writing the summary first, even for
articles that don't require one.
- Three ways to help get your ideas are in a sensible sequence
are to make an outline in the form of headings, to put the draft
aside for days or weeks, and to get others to comment on the
- The first sentence of a paragraph usually sets the topic for
that paragraph. Don't have any unlinked ideas (non-sequiturs) in
the same paragraph.
- A paragraph must consist of more than one sentence.
- Try to make the ideas within each section flow together.
- Don't put things in the wrong section or subsection. Skim the
finished document to make sure.
- When appropriate, keep the order of ideas the same in
different sections of the article.
- Check that you don't contradict yourself in different sections
of the article.
- Aim for simplicity: on average, at least 50% of readers are
less intelligent than writers, and most readers are less
knowledgeable about the topic than the writer.
- Use Endnote or a similar reference manager to deal with more
than a few references. Contributors to the journal will have to
submit a separate text file of the references in Refer
format for people to download from the Sportscience site.
- Cite references in APA style, but without underscored
or italic elements. To remove all such elements, select the
reference list output by Endnote or similar, then toggle twice for
italic or underscore.
- APA has yet to make a final pronouncement on styles for citing
Net publications. A draft document can be viewed on the Web
(Land, 1996). Meanwhile follow the style of
the references shown below. For purposes of storing in electronic
reference managers like endnote, treat all Web references as
journal references, and put the URL in the page-number field, with
a comma and space following any real page numbers.
- Make sure you give part numbers for journals or magazines that
start with page 1 in each issue (e.g. Physician and
- Make sure every publication referred to in the article is in
the reference list, and vice versa.
- The first reference in the reference list should be a
reference for the article itself. The URL will be completed when
the article is accepted.
- Here are some examples of references, followed by the real
references for this article.
Examples of References
- Brown, A. B., & Jones, C. D. (1999). The title of a paper.
Sports Journal, 100, 23-46.
Jones, C. D., Smith, A. B., & Brown, E. F. (1999). The title
of another paper. Journal of Sport, 100, 23-46.
Smith, C. D., & Brown, A. B. (1999). This is the book title
(2nd ed.). City, State: Sport Publishers.
Smith, C. D., & Jones, A. B. (Eds). (1999). This is the
title of the edited book (2nd ed.). City, Country: Free Press.
White, A. B. (1999). This is the title of the book chapter. In
E. F. Brown, A. B. Jones, & C. D. Smith (Eds.), This is the
book title (pp. 33-44). City, State: Kinetics Press.
White, A. B., & Brown, C. D. (1999). The title of a paper
in a Web journal. Sports Journal, 100, 23-46,
White, A. B., & Jones, C. D. (1999). The title of a Web
document. http://site.address/directory/subdirectory/wab.htm.
References for this Article
Hopkins, W.G. (1997). Advice on style for contributors to the
Sportscience website. Sportscience, 0, 00-00,
American Psychological Association (1995).
Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (4th
ed.). Washington DC: APA.
Dewey, R. (1996). APA publication manual crib
Land, T. (1996). Web extension to American
Psychological Association style (Revision 1.4).
Young, D. S. (1987). Implementation of SI
units for clinical laboratory data. Annals of Internal Medicine, 106,
Edited and webmastered by Will Hopkins. Last updated 13 Aug 97.
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