***** MOVING TOGETHER #21 *****

An email-based sporadic publication of technology-related items for kinesiologists compiled by Ken Daley

       "It is myth, not mandate, a fable not a logic and symbol rather than a reason by which men are moved."

-Irwin Edman

FROM: VOLLEYBALL on majordomo=AT=cuy.net
Subject:  Volleball Discussion List

VOLLEYBALL is an open, unmoderated discussion list about the the sport of volleyball. Things such as the best way to spike, team play, and beach volleyball are likely to be discussed.

To subscribe, send the following message to majordomo=AT=cuy.net:
    subscribe VOLLEYBALL

Owner: Tom Maciejewski

FROM: Edupage, June 28 1998
Subject:  Schools lag in technology.

INTEL CHIEF SAYS SCHOOLS LAG IN TECHNOLOGY Intel chief executive officer Craig Barrett told a conference of educators that schools lag far behind businesses and homes in integrating the computer into everyday activities, and that if schools fail to make technology a regular part of teaching then the country will lose its competitive edge. "I don't look at it just as an education issue. I look at it as a crass economics issue… As a nation, we're doing a horrible job of bringing technology into the classroom." Acknowledging that to equip all U.S. schools with one Internet-linked computer for every five students (and to keep the technology up-to-date) would cost as much as $100 billion every five years, Barrett said: "It might be one of the best investments the U.S. could make in terms of preserving our workforce." (AP 26 Jun 98)

Subject:  Disabled Sport web site

I am delighted to announce the opening of a new web site

The Ontario Sport for Disabled site features athlete profiles, provincial records and standards, and information about the upcoming Ontario Games for the Physically Disabled.
Check it out at: http://www.disabledsports.org.

The site was developed as part of the Community Linkages Pilot Project funded by the Trillium Foundation. In partnership with Parks and Recreation Ontario and the Ontario Sports and Recreation Centre, LIN is developing a series of services and web sites to evaluate the use of technology to support volunteers (and those who manage them) in sports and recreation.

Agnes Croxford
Leisure Information Network (LIN)
Tel: 416 426 7176 Fax: 416 426 7421

FROM: NET-HAPPENINGS Digest - 16 Jun 1998 (#1998-418)
Subject: Acronym Expander - nice library tool!

KEN'S NOTE: This is VERY fast. I like it.

Got a pesky acronym that's driving you nuts? Just dump it in the Expander! It doesn't always work, but what have you got to lose? And no it didn't work with GASRE. But it works with ALA. Ha!


The Acronym Expander:

- Type in the acronym you want me to expand.
- You don't need any upper case letters or periods, either!

Subject:  Japan continues to invest in high-tech R & D

Japan's economy may be on the downturn, but its high-tech companies are spending more now on R&D than ever, according to a report by the Japan Economic Institute. The top 20 Japanese companies are spending an average of 3.3% more on R&D this year than in 1997, for a total of 4.4 trillion yen or $34.7 billion. "It's essential, a must for Japanese corporations to keep investing in R&D. It is a long-term operation," says a minister in charge of trade, industry and energy at the Japanese Embassy in Washington. The report goes on to say that the driving force behind the Japanese spending is the worry that Asian trading partners like Thailand and South Korea will try to export their way out of their problems, and that by developing better technology Japan can continue to compete against nations with currency and labor-cost advantages. (Investor's Business Daily 18 Aug 98)

FROM: Computer Incident Advisory Capability (CIAC), US Department of Energy
Subject:  Checking hoaxes

KEN'S NOTE: So often we get spam about the latest hoax. Here is a URL to check the truth of the report before sending it on to all your friends.

The Internet is constantly being flooded with information about computer viruses and Trojans. However, interspersed among real virus notices are computer virus hoaxes. While these hoaxes do not infect systems, they are still time consuming and costly to handle. At CIAC, we find that we are spending much more time de-bunking hoaxes than handling real virus incidents.

Subject:  Web lessons

KEN'S NOTE: Very simple and straight forward. I recommend this site, especially for beginners.


I do a monthly "brown bag lunch" seminar series during the winter school term for our web developers at the U of S, and put the notes on the web for anyone who missed the talks. I try to make the notes "self contained" so you don't have to attend the talk to understand them.

I've done talks on Cascading Style Sheets, Server Side Includes, Tables, Forms, Netscape Composer, Javascript, etc. If you want to see the notes, go to http://www.usask.ca/dcs/courses/cai/

- Kevin.Lowey=AT=Usask.Ca - ICQ#7708034 - Fax: (306) 966-6899
<http://duke.usask.ca/~lowey/> - Phone: (306) 966-4826

FROM: Edupage, 18 June 1998
Subject:  Corporate universities are big business

Ten years ago there were about 400 corporate universities -- comprehensive training institutions operated by corporations -- and that number has now grown to 1,600. Several of them, such as the Arthur D. Little School in Boston, have formal degree-granting powers, and many have forged alliances with nearby colleges and universities to enable students taking their courses to receive credits that count toward external degrees. But now that cozy relationship is crumbling, as corporate universities increasingly are under pressure from their companies to become self-supporting. That puts the corporate schools in direct competition with conventional universities in the fund-raising arena. A recent survey of 100 corporate universities showed that 10% planned to be self-funded by 2000. "As the funding model changes to be more self-funded, these universities are going to brand what they are doing and use their significant resources to go to the external market. At that point they are a significant threat," says a spokeswoman at Corporate University Xchange. (Financial Times 18 Jun 98)

FROM: Edupage 2 July 1998
Subject:  Elsevier changes policy on electronic journals

Elsevier Science, the largest publisher of scholarly scientific journals, will now allow libraries to make paper copies of requested articles appearing in electronic journals and share them with scholars at other institutions. Librarians have long lobbied publishers to treat electronic journal articles the same way print articles are treated for interlibrary loan purposes. Elsevier's new policy still prohibits libraries from sharing the electronic version of the article, but is seen as a positive step toward equal treatment of the two media for scholarly purposes. Yale University associate librarian Ann Okerson says, "This will send a signal to the rest of the publishers." (Chronicle of Higher Education 3 Jul 98)

FROM: Edupage 23 June 1998
Subject:  Academics push for online publishing

A small group of influential academics is pushing to introduce online peer review and publishing of scholarly works, as an alternative source of information to high-price journals. Some journals, particularly in science and technology, can cost as much as $15,000 a year. The group, which includes academic officers from the University of Rochester, Columbia University and the California Institute of Technology, wants professors to publish online rather than in print, and wants universities to recognize online posting as "publishing" for the purposes of career advancement decisions. "We are calling for neither a lessening of the importance of research in the criteria for promotion and tenure, nor a turning away from peer review," says a paper produced by the Association of American Universities and the Association of Research Libraries.. "What we seek is an alternate means of achieving those ends." Under the proposed plan the papers, once posted online, would be peer-reviewed by a panel of experts, just as is now the case with print-published papers. The panels, which would be established by scholarly groups, would give each article a grade or a stamp of approval. The response so far from some disciplinary groups has been lukewarm. (Chronicle of Higher Education 26 Jun 98)

Subject: Finding universities on the Web

KEN'S NOTE: Here are several sources that will assist you in finding Universities on the Web.

This page of UT Austin Web Central contains links to Web servers at universities and community colleges in the U.S. Only one server is listed for each campus: the primary central server. In the absence of a central server, another server is selected.

Over 4750 Links to Higher Educational Institutions in 143 Countries BRAINTRACK - The World's most complete education index

The World Lecture Hall (WLH) contains links to pages created by faculty worldwide who are using the Web to deliver class materials. For translating course URLs from or into English, Spanish, French, German, or Portuguese, try a translation service.

As of April 1, 1998, the InterNIC Guide to U.S. Universities has become the UniGuide Guide to U.S. Universities owned and administered by Aldea Communications. For more info on the UniGuide Guide to U.S. Universities email uniguide=AT=aldea.com. For more info on Aldea Communications visit our web site at http://www.aldea.com/

This publication is a collection of bits and bytes that I assemble as I wander about on the Internet. If you have notes to share send them to me.

Moving Together is not an official publication of Maharishi University of Management. It is nothing other than a personal try to share/create a collective wisdom in the area of technology as it impacts professional Kinesiologists.

Ken Daley
Associate Professor
Department of Exercise and Sport Sciences
Maharishi University of Management
Fairfield, Iowa USA 52557
Member of the Internet Developers Association

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Edited by Mary Ann Wallace. Webmastered by Jason Nugent. Last updated 05 Sept 1998.